I Still Love Bon Jovi...

Today we went to see Bon Jovi's Lost Higway concert in Helsinki. For me this was very nostalgic. The first rock concert I've ever been to was Bon Jovi in the same Olympic stadium as today but 12 years ago. And he was as great today as he was then. 12 years ago Bon Jovi was my favorite band and since I'd never been to a concert, it really made and impression. Now I've been to many concerts but seeing Bon Jovi in a full stadium that are shouting and clapping just for him. It was unreal. I've been to smaller arena concerts but there is something about a full stadium. And the amount of noise it can make. One great thing was that since it was outside and we weren't sitting near the speakers, I didn't need earplugs. I'm sure that made the experience even better. I have good earplugs and you can really hear music through them, but the noise of the audience is filtered greatly. Well, I only can say, that there were few things in my teenage years that didn't suck :)


I'm a big fan of lists. I like to read lists. I like to check things off. When I travel, I make a list of everything I need to bring. This is not just a facet of my personality, it's also necessary. I'm way too absent-minded. If I don't make lists, I forget things. Like bringing underwear when going to places. I can manage this even with a list. Luckily it's usually things you can buy anywhere.

But reading lists has become somthing that makes my reading a bit different. I used to just pick up any book from the shelf. Now I'm thinking what would benefit my lists the most. What would be a book that would shorten most my lists. This is a good thing and a bad thing. It's a good thing, because then I pick up books that I just wouldn't get around to otherwise and end up loving, but it's also a bad thing, because I've started to stress about this and feeling guilty if I read outside the lists. Maybe I need somekind of treatment. Wonder if there is listaholics anonymous...

Sex and the City

I just saw Sex and the city movie yesterday. And it was fine. Nothing earthshaking. I really liked the tv show more, though. My problem with the movie is that I never liked Mr. Big. I just don't understand what Carrie ever saw in him. And after everything I just don't understand why she would want to marry him.

Also, I didn't like Samantha's story line. Like Samantha putting up weight (what weight?). She just looked better and more normal. And even if she would've actually looked fatter, it's Samantha. She just wouldn't have cared what other people thought. And I really loved Smith Jerrod in the series. He was just wonderful. And in the movie, I don't like that they made him a jerk. Because he really was. And for that I like that Samantha left him, but in the series he was so great. And I think that was my biggest disappointment. I loved their unconventional relationship, but I guess it was too uncoventional to end the movie with that relationship working.

As a whole, I think the movie was watchable. I actually quite liked it. But now, the more I think about it, the more I dislike it. I definitely prefer the series. Already starting the movie with the way the book (I REALLY didn't like the book) starts, I was put off a bit. And how Louise ended up with her old boyfriend. She could've had a fabulous time in New York instead. The movie just got more and more conventional to the end and when the series was more about girls having fun together, the movie was more about finding that man. Not that I always liked the series either. I liked the beginning and the end, but they could've cut few seasons in the middle.

Well, anyway, I didn't have many expectations from the movie, so I can't say I was really disappointed.


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