Why There Are So Many Funny Men in Great Britain - Or QI: Quite Interesting

I had a friend over last night and she told me about a great series she's been following: QI quite interesting. The host is one of my favorite actors: Stephen Fry. I of course had to check it and I uploaded some shows. And I'm totally hooked. Next thing I knew I ordered all the seasons that are on dvd from my trusted supplier Play.com and I also got the interactive dvds.

After this infection of yet another addiction, I started to think why is it, that there are so many genious comediens in Great Britain. What is it about British men? I mean, there is Stephen Fry, who's hilarious, there are two of my favorite authors: Douglas Adams and Jasper Fforde. Granted, Douglas Adams is dead, but still. And there are others. To me these are just the ones that stick out the most. There are of course other people in other countries that are funny, but these guys are totally hilarious and make me laugh out laud. Which is not too bad in the privacy of your own home, but can cause strange looks while reading in the bus for example. One of my later discoveries is also Dave Gorman and Danny Wallace who in their book Are you Dave Gorman? are looking for Dave Gormans mostly in Britain, but also in other countries.

Maybe it's just that I like British humor. Even though I tend to just laugh, the humor always has a bit of twist to it. It usually ironical, which is a type of humor that I love. It's not spelled out for you, but rather you have to find the fun of it. Also, it's sometimes just plain absurd and strange, which always appeals to me. Well, whatever the reason, I'll keep my eye on the British Isles for new acquaintances.

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