
I'm a big fan of lists. I like to read lists. I like to check things off. When I travel, I make a list of everything I need to bring. This is not just a facet of my personality, it's also necessary. I'm way too absent-minded. If I don't make lists, I forget things. Like bringing underwear when going to places. I can manage this even with a list. Luckily it's usually things you can buy anywhere.

But reading lists has become somthing that makes my reading a bit different. I used to just pick up any book from the shelf. Now I'm thinking what would benefit my lists the most. What would be a book that would shorten most my lists. This is a good thing and a bad thing. It's a good thing, because then I pick up books that I just wouldn't get around to otherwise and end up loving, but it's also a bad thing, because I've started to stress about this and feeling guilty if I read outside the lists. Maybe I need somekind of treatment. Wonder if there is listaholics anonymous...

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