Japanese and Wikipedia

Been very busy lately... Mainly because I'm taking a Japanese course in the Summer University of Helsinki. I'm busy, because the course is on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. So it takes up a lot of energy. But Japanese is cool. Maybe I can read manga in Japanese one day. Although, I still need to find a manga that I really like. Well, Astro Boy might be one. And you can always learn from different cultures (also I think that Hiro might have a small effect on my current enthusiasm about Japanese).

Today I created an account in the Wikipedia. I decided that since I use it a lot, I should also contribute. Especially to the Finnish version. But maybe to the English one as well, if there are same articles that need updating. Like I don't have enough things to do already. But I think sharing the knowledge, even if it is about trivial things, is very important. And it's good to have a possibility to access the knowledge in your own language, since not everyone is fluent in English. I already found things to update. And if I'm too lazy to actually update the articles, I can always do some grammar control and editing. Sharing is caring :)

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