Buffy - Season 8

I just have to tell the world how much I LOVE the new season of Buffy. At the moment I'm paying dearly for that love at the moment, since I've ordered the first two issues from US and that's costly. Now I'm starting to get them through a friend of mine who has a pull list at the local comics store. So the costs are coming down to half. Anyway, I just got the issue 2 today and that's what prompted me to write. I just had to sit down and read it first even though I was dying of hunger. And of course I can't eat while reading my Buffy comics, since I might accidentally get some food on them and then the world as we know it would end.

The picture on this post is from the first issue and the best panel I've ever seen in comics. It's not exactly a power walk, but something similar. And I'm a fan of power walks. Well, the power drop just hasn't the ring to it... I was a bit worried of the art style, since I don't always like the way comics and especially women in comics are drawn, but after reading a few interviews with Joss Whedon where he said that he carefully picked the artist who wouldn't draw Buffy with inflatable breasts, I started to breathe again. And when I saw what Georges Jeanty had done I was relieved that I could trust Joss Whedon's judgement.

I was annoyed when I read one of the letters in the back of issue 2, though. One reader basically said that if Tara doesn't come back and get back together with Willow, she will stop reading the comics altogether. I really didn't like the tone of that mail. I mean, even though I might have some preferences where I would like to see the story go, I wouldn't dream of telling Joss Whedon and the other writers how to do their job. And I noticed while watching the tv series that even though the turn of events was sometimes not what I would've liked the story as a whole usually was better for it. As Joss Whedon said somewhere (my mind is failing where I heard it) you shouldn't give the audience what it wants, but what it needs. And I need season 8! In my opinion there's nothing to complain about. But then I might be biased since Joss Whedon is my master...

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